Distro - T-shirts

All t-shirts are new. We normally ship t-shirts in black mailing bags if purchased on their own as they don't require any additional padding - this ensures we can keep the shipping price as low as possible.
Generally, we stock most sizes from S - XXL in mens shirts and S-XL in girlie fit shirts. Each t-shirt is listed below with the current available sizes. Note that the listings are not guaranteed as stock tends to move quickly! If we don't have your size when you order, we will either offer you an alternative in your size, or provide you with a full refund.
Annwn - Idris Awaits
New design from Annwn, to go with their 2015 EP 'Idris Awaits'. Very high quality print, with very striking colours.
Most sizes available
Siluria - As Homelands Burn
First and only t-shirt from this Folk/Doom band from Wales, now split up.
Men's L only